Get Gifting Right with SMARTGift

2 Minute Read 01 March 2024
SMARTGift is another innovative product with the single aim of solving the biggest challenge in retail: loyalty.


Brands need to be ready for Gifting season.
Checkouts with gift messaging options are de rigueur but what does the execution look like?

Copy, paste, print?
Handwritten notes?
Appended to an A4 dispatch note?

There are two key factors to consider:

Operational workflow
Recipient Experience

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It goes without saying that automating the process of producing collateral for the recipient must be seamless, zero intervention, with no document matching and fulfilled in the standard workflow.

But let's not forget, it's a gift we're dealing with here. A gift by its nature is an experience that seeks to generate a positive response from Recipient back to Giftor. So the experience needs to be on point and on Brand.

The holy grail of e-commerce surely must be to turn your Customer's Recipient in to your next Customer. Multiply that out and you have exponential growth by simply getting your Gifting proposition right.

Turning your SMARTSlip into a full (or partial) gift card is out-of-the-box functionality. The team will be happy to help set it up too, just get in touch.  (And that's all it costs too!)


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